Being a male is part of the luck that life that gave me (so far I think I played my role as such).
But, being a Woman is a divine grace that God has given to them, for example: Conceiving a child
is an experience that we as men will never have.
To my way of thinking Man's life is a lighter load in many ways within the family. Even though
today is very nearly equal between Woman and Man.
There is an the hypothesis that says that Woman is the" weaker sex" but, I don't think so, because many Women that without the Men's support even when they married, they overcome problems.
As the case of many suceesful Women's in all fields such as Politicals,Science.Busines,Medicine,Art,Music,etc.
But I wouldn't like being a Woman. Why? Because they suffer a lot from puberty to the time to give
birth to a baby. Also they care for the babys until they leave the house, while the man is only worried about bringing home a living and, in his spare time caring for the family.
In conclusion: Men without Women are nothing.
But, being a Woman is a divine grace that God has given to them, for example: Conceiving a child
is an experience that we as men will never have.
To my way of thinking Man's life is a lighter load in many ways within the family. Even though
today is very nearly equal between Woman and Man.
There is an the hypothesis that says that Woman is the" weaker sex" but, I don't think so, because many Women that without the Men's support even when they married, they overcome problems.
As the case of many suceesful Women's in all fields such as Politicals,Science.Busines,Medicine,Art,Music,etc.
But I wouldn't like being a Woman. Why? Because they suffer a lot from puberty to the time to give
birth to a baby. Also they care for the babys until they leave the house, while the man is only worried about bringing home a living and, in his spare time caring for the family.
In conclusion: Men without Women are nothing.