Wednesday, December 8, 2010


There was a family who lived near to the forest and had a child named "Pulgarcito", his father was a woodcutter and his mother worked at home. Pulgarcito was 8 years old, one day his mother said bring me a bit of wood that your dad cut yesterday, then he went for the wood and suddenly saw a Rabbit who asked him, hey you! would you like to play? Yes, but where he said the Rabbit and the Rabbit said lets go to run to the forest, and instead of taking the wood to her mother they ran into the woods, after a while his mother went out to look for him but didn't find him and she looked everywhere and could not find him, his mother was very upset and crying but Pulgarcito was lost in the woods, when Pulgarcito's Father came home from work, he saw his wife crying and he asked her, what happens? and she said was my foul our children got lost, inmediatly they went to look for him to the forest that it was dark and very dangerous.
Pulgarcito Parents walked and walked shouting his name Pulgarcito, Pulgarcitooooooooooo where you at, suddenly they hear a wolf howl and her mom started to cry thinking that the wolf could find her son and kill him. Pulgarcito's Father told his wife don't worry we'll find him I promise you.
Pulgarcito and the rabbit were hidden by that also heard the wolf and had smalled and the Pulgarcito Parents ran to where the wolf was heard. Then the wolf found Pulgarcito and the Rabbit and when the wolf was ready to attack Pulgarcito's Father with his gun shot the wolf and kill him, and Pulgarcito ran scared and hug and apologized to them and so be happy again.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Best Friend and I.

Some years ago when I was studying at the University, we lived in the city of Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico. It was located 500km SW from "Mazatlan"(my home town).Four friends and myself, three of them were brothers, all of us from the same City.
Rafael, Paco and Arturo were brothers, Rafael and Paco, studied Medicine, Arturo, was my best friend and studied Civil Engineering,Antonio studied Public Accounting and I was studying Industrial Engineering.
Arturo and I were best friends, and shared the same name, he was very intelligent and he loved politics and I always asked him why he didn't study for a degree but he always said it is like his "hobby" I learned many things of him but unfortunately he died at 32 years in an accident.
Despite his intelligence and maturity was too distracted by many activities that he enjoyed developing such as: Write a periodical, which he invited me to help with but I worked and had very little time, to participate in political elections both school policies, activities rotarac altruistic in the club to which we belong and select sports especially basketball.
That's how we spent our time students until the day that we, graduated and went to rent a tuxedo for Mass, graduation ceremony and dance all around at the same day; That day he was ready two hour before that I, because he had to pick up his girlfriend and then his parents at the hotel.
Then something funny happened: we accidently put on each other's tuxedos. As he was a size bigger than me, the waist was 30 for him and 28 for me and he wore my tuxedo that fit too tight and I had no other option than to wear one that was too big that of the very strange because, I knew I had brought the right size, and I was very upset that I was wearing too big pants and I hold it getting my belt tight, then I went to my Parents to pick them up at the Hotel then we went to the events, when we got at the salon , I said to my friend, Hey! Don't your clothes feel too tight? He answered, Oh yeah! I Thought they were too thight but I thoughts is because for the nervous tension he said, then I said it to me is very weak that is why you took my suit and I had no choice but to use yours. I said Let's go to the bathroom to check the size, and effectively he had my suit so right there we changed clothes.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Liz Falconer
1234 Main Street
Renton, Wa. 98056
H:(123) 456 7890

Dear Ms. Falconer.

I would like to express my interest for the proposed construccion of the Tower Falconer to be built in Seattle Wa.

My extensive work experience at this position included responsabilities and skills such as:
10 years of Tower analysis, design and plan preparation, experience working knowledge of seismic design.
experience working knowledge autoCAD or microstation drafting softwere.
Good communications skills and able to work closely with others.
My responsabilities included: Develop plans, specifications and inspections reports as needed an assigned tasks, technically involved in the resolutions of design problems that may include performing, design work and detailed checking of design aspect into a proyects.

My resume is attached for your perusual. I would very much appreciate the chance to meet you and discuss in person. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Arturito Goes.
1114 James street.
Seattle, Wa. 98036
(001)800 14172

Friday, November 12, 2010

Computers are over people lives.

People have always strived to obtain machines or tools to make our lives easier. Before the computer was invented i 1822. People were performing boring.
Nowadays, most of our activities need computers, they are an excellent tool to help us solve quicly and effectively almost problems in our lifes, computers are very useful to us.
Back in the old times, a few people are needed to work on a job but now it only takes 1 person and the help of a computer to get the job done wich also saves time and manpower. This is because computers used in factories saves labour by doing jobs wich need to be done by a few or more people.
Computers are the future wheather we like it or not some people dilikes computers, because the complications it takes to understand the basics. Computers aren't exactly the esasiest tool to work with, but they are the most rewarding and the future. Nowadays computers are using in all fields for example: Cars run by computers then you will be able to talk to a car and it will take you to your destination, Thelephones are computirized, Televisions and many things are technically computerized.
For people who don't know much about computers they will be lost in the future. We should learn what we can while you still have the chance, because things will develop too quickly for us and we wil not be able to cope with new technologic events.
Computers will fall into carrers and our everyday life more than we think.

Immigrants should be requiered to study English in Schools.

Example: A lot of people could get more culture about this country.
Example: Our kids schould have the opportunity to speak english.
Example: Is the passaport of the future.

Example:Is the best way to find a job.
Example: New experiences come true your life.
Example: Become a bussines person, professional and succesful.

Example: Is an useful tool in your own life.
Example: It's a very udeful resource for everybody.
Example: It keep you sociable.
Everybody have to go to school no matter what your status, age or capacity, school is the best way to be succesful.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Godfather part I.

The story begins as Don Vito Corlione the head of a New York mafia "FAMILY" oversees his daugther's, his beloved son Michael has just come from the war but, he doesn't intend to become part of his father business.
Through Michael's come back the nature of the family business becomes clear, the business of the family was kind and benevolent to those who give respect but given some violence.
Whenever anything stand against the good of the family Don Vito lived in the way of the old Country but, times were changing and some of theme don't want to follow the old ways and look out for different life style and coming rival of the Corleone's family, because he wants to started selling drugs in New York and needed the Don Vito influence to further his plan.
The clash of Don Vito fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especiallyfor Michael who wants all for the sake of the family.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Night or Morning, What.

I'm consider a night and morning person, it all depends on what I have to do the next day.
I remembered when I was a teenager i used to go out with my friends to the movies or somewhere else, also on weekends I used to go with my girlfriend to dance, but now is different because I have more responsabilities in my own life.
But sometimes I go out with my friends or my wife to drink,Teather,Supper.

For example: If I have to work tomorrow, I go to sleep early to be ready to work the next day.
But, another way if I have a party for a friend or relative, I go to the party even if I have to work next day.
Regularly I try to sleep between 10:30pm and 11:00pm every night with the exceptions of the weekends, I try to go to bed a little late to get up later the next day.
In my family nobody is a night person neither my parents, because for long time I remebered my dad always stayed in home by night to be ready for the next day excitedly to go to work.
Sometimes my wife and I have a meet up with friends of us in their house or sometimes in our house, and those kind of meeting are for few hour because we never left our kids along for long time.
In conclusion, I consider myself a mixed person.