Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Questions to consider.

The important rights for me is freedom of expression, because it means like democracy.
that's what I like in America, you can share you own opinion no matter who you are, because if you are desagree for something that the goberment wants to do and you don't like it you protest and they hair you.
I couldn't do it, because my English isn't fluent but I think the most difficult part is spelling.
I remember the first time I was in America like 35years ago, it was in disneyland I told my dad I want speak English, because is the lenguage of the future.
Then my Dad sent my to particular english classes in my hometown but yes for few months because my teacher started to work in other school so it was hard for him.
But I really apreciate it from my parents because they always were worry for our education that's what they are my Idols.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunny day.

Today I'm go to talk about my Hometown(Mazatlan Sinaloa, Mexico)
is a nice place where you can enjoy all natural resources, us such beaches,sea food,friendly people who live there
Our main characteristic is happines way we have, more in carnaval because is when people come out the streeet to have fun dancing,singin at the top of one voice.
I think it happen because is when the economy comes to be better after christmas season, and all tourist arrived for carnaval and spring break by car, by plane or cruisers.
The major visitors come from USA and Canada also from some states of the Mexican Republic.
People who come to visit Mazatlan fell the freedom because the goverment is very open and flexible with all tourist but always followins rules in law.

Good Morning!

The last fraiday(April 9th) I weaked up early then I saw by the window of my bedroom it was a sunny day, it made me fell good and ready to start a perfect day: Later iTook a shower and hearty breakfast after finshed my breakfast I walked out my house directly to my new School (RTC)when I went there, I looked out for my classroom that it should be in Building Basic Studies but I went to buildng "B" but it is the Health building, so Iasked few guys for room B201 but nobody knew, finally I went to the main office to ask because it was really weird for me, the secretary helped me to find it. However I found the classroom my teacher was there and new classmates, after registered everyone we started the class and finish succesfuly.
After classes my sister picked me up at the school and we went to my older sister who lives in downtown Renton, we meet some friends and my day end getting a good dinner with my family.