Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Morning!

The last fraiday(April 9th) I weaked up early then I saw by the window of my bedroom it was a sunny day, it made me fell good and ready to start a perfect day: Later iTook a shower and hearty breakfast after finshed my breakfast I walked out my house directly to my new School (RTC)when I went there, I looked out for my classroom that it should be in Building Basic Studies but I went to buildng "B" but it is the Health building, so Iasked few guys for room B201 but nobody knew, finally I went to the main office to ask because it was really weird for me, the secretary helped me to find it. However I found the classroom my teacher was there and new classmates, after registered everyone we started the class and finish succesfuly.
After classes my sister picked me up at the school and we went to my older sister who lives in downtown Renton, we meet some friends and my day end getting a good dinner with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Good post, Arturo; good spelling , good organization. The main grammatical problem is run-on sentences. Periods are FREE and really LOVE to be part of a sentence -please use them! Break this down into about 8 sentences of different lengths. Use the periods effectively, to put pauses in your thoughts. I'll look forward to reading the new version!
